26th July 2024
One day an old man was peddling pills in the street. He was crying out to passers-by":
‘Pills for the earthquake! Pills for the earthquake!’
A young man stops to address him.
‘What do you mean old man? You can’t cure an earthquake with pills.’
‘I know young man, but what’s your alternative?’
In a recent article I mentioned the Shakespearian quote ‘Let’s kill all the lawyers’ but I can think of something that would be an even greater service to society and that would be killing all the psychiatrists … I am not suggesting you should go out and murder all the psychiatrists you can find, suffice to be aware that psychiatry is a weapon that has been used against us for the last couple of hundred years or more..
Psychiatrists in the modern sense came out of the asylums which first sprung up in medieval times. But as western society became more secular post enlightenment, the demon explanation for those possessed by madness was gradually replaced by a biological model put forward by medical doctors. In the dark ages religious leaders had influenced behaviour, and women who would not be subjugated could be burned at the stake as witches. Dutch physician and demonologist Johann Weyer in the 16th century defied the inquisition and the doctrines of Malleus Malificarem and was the first to suggest that witches were mentally ill rather than evil or possessed. Men showing similar symptoms though were classed by Weyer as magicians because they could call up demons. Presumably this was supposed to imply they had powers which women lacked. This just reflects the misogyny of the day.
Demons are real and I have gone in depth into this subject and my own experiences with it here Demons from the Depths
The medical model of mental illness which arose in the 19th century is based merely on one guy’s opinion. That was the German physician Kraepelin, who sought to categorise different psychiatric conditions in the 1800s with a view to them having a biological cause. The Frenchman Philippe Pinel had laid down the basis for this classification in the century beforehand in a time when the hippocratic theory of illness being an excess of one of the four bodily fluids or humors was still popular. This applied to the insane as well as those with physical illness. Black bile, yellow bile, phleghm or blood had to be the culprit and bloodletting was a thing for many centuries (and still is in Satanic circles).
Later in 1913 John D Rockefeller, the Standard Oil magnate ,established the Rockefeller Foundation. Not satisfied with his massive power and wealth through oil, he sought to control the world through a Carnegie inspired philanthropic attitude to global health and wellbeing. This was the beginning of big pharma of course, as the Rockefellers were behind the modern pharma industry due to them making these products from petrochemicals.
In 1939 the Rockefeller Foundation’s strategy was set out in three phases. First control the training facilities for psychiatry, initially in the US, UK and Canada but expanding. Then in 1940 the plan was to build research centres. The third phase was to build on this by spreading throughout the world, putting psychiatry depts in universities and funding teaching, research and professional bodies in particular the American Psychiatric Association. The Rockefellers intended to control the whole debate in terms of what is seen as the ‘science’ of mental health. They did not particularly back psychotherapy or psychoanalysis because that would not allow for sales of enough drugs. They dominated pretty much the whole field of medicines for the western world. A new professional class was needed to police what was acceptable and psychiatrists took on this role and the medical model was born. This model still today remains a misogynistic one, since although we get female psychiatrists today, they have done nothing to eliminate the abuse and discrimination against women in the psychiatric system.
In order to generate enough profits, the west needed to be convinced that drugs were the solution to both physical and mental ill health. So the pharmaceutical industry had to control the medical profession. Doctors and psychiatrists could then be the drug pushers. But keeping people dumbed down with drugs was not the only way that psychiatry was weaponised. It was also harnessed to deal with disaffected people. With large sections of society subjugated, they needed to be controlled to prevent them rising up.
One state method of control is the criminal justice system. That way they can get away with punishing people fairly easily because they have got these things called laws, and they can look up their laws and say
‘hey you’ve breached that’
If you break the law, its all well and good but the problem for the cult comes when they can’t pin a law that someone has breached exactly on them. If someone is being difficult or annoying and that behaviour might upset the appearance of civilisation in a particular town, city , village, psychiatrists are brought into to find an excuse to drug the inconvenience and or lock it up. Nuisances need to be dealt with.
But who decides what and whom a nuisance is? You guessed it .. the psychiatrists. But what gives them this right to decide who needs shutting up, locking up, drugging up? They use their qualification gained from the Rockefeller model of training in the universities. This allows them to appear all clever and scientific and professional. And they also assert their right to act by using risk as a tool. They write endless clinical notes, reports and assessments which highlight risk. Qualities or behaviours which might be perfectly acceptable or even admired in certain circumstances, in a mental health patient become huge red flags. Loss of freedom is then justified due to this perceived ‘risk’. A deeper delve into where the risk actually lies often shows that rather than the patient posing any real and immediate risk to others, it is the psychiatrist themselves who will not take a risk. They value their jobs over and above the freedom of any mental health patient and concern for themselves often leads psychiatrists to keep patients imprisoned and zombified for far longer than is necessary. Because they train as doctors people assume (wrongly) that shrinks know what they are talking about. Although since the scamdemic I am not sure the word doctor holds that much credibility any more.
But what special insight do these quacks get, to know what is normal. Nobody has the monopoly on defining normal. It’s a cultural thing. In Britain yer norms would be waiting in the queue at the bus stop rather than flinging everyone out the way to get on first, along with your goats, chickens etc. You are supposed to have values that fit with that culture. In Britain we are given endless propaganda to tell us that being British means you have a monopoly on goodness ,righteousness, honesty , fairness blah blah but you only have to look at the lowlifes who run the country and you get the opposite qualities, habitual lies. They need you to be sweet, gentle, unassuming, easygoing and to put your needs last so that the etablishment’s needs can always come first. Controlling the wealth of a nation is not done by holding hands and hugging fluffy pink bunnies. but the media will tell you that that is what you should be doing because apparently everybody else is. ITs patronising but these so called cultural norms are a deliberate construct and psychiatry is there to keep up appearances.
So if the psychiatrists in the west are upholding some kind of pretence of cultural norms , what are they?
One of the main ‘norms’ they enforce is based on what emotion you are allowed to express. Anger is not allowed . It can be felt, but not expressed. Historically it was women who were not allowed to express it but in the modern era all people are supposed to pretend that they are never angry. However there is nothing wrong with anger, it is a healthy emotion. Suppressing anger over time is unhealthy and yet that is the norm that they force you to adhere to. Anger is thus shut behind closed doors and hence you get endless domestic abuse. But a healthy hominid will experience and should express a wide range of emotions throughout life. Conversely not showing any emotion at all is also something which the establishment also pathologize. They call it ‘flat affect’. This is troublesome to them too, because they cannot manipulate people easily who do not show feelings. The ruling cult themselves show no feelings and the most you get is a smirk, but the people are required to show some, just not too much. Enough to keep you in their Goldilocks zone.
Anger is wrongly labelled by the state as aggression and this is deliberate. It allows them to demonise you for merely disagreeing with them on something, if you show any emotion in your voice when you challenge the state, it will be deemed ‘aggression’. But emotional expression is not aggression. Aggression is a deliberate attempt to intimidate. It is our so called leaders who are aggressive and violent and psychopathic in the extreme and they show little emotion.. So why are the establishment so afraid of anger, when it is simply a normal emotion?
Because it can be channelled into action against oppression. Anger is positive when it sees injustice and then acts on that injustice to attempt to affect change. I remember when I used to look at pictures of animal torture on undercover films from labs and factory farms. At first I just cried my eyes out. I could not deal with the absolute horror of the disgusting cruelty. Then I got angry. So angry that I acted on it. I got involved in active campaigning for several years. Had I not got angry I would never have had the energy to act in the way I did to do my bit for the animals. I was just attempting to repay the enormous gift that animals have given me in my life.
So the state labels expressed anger as ‘aggression’. In fact any emotion in the voice of a person who is challenging authority will be labelled by the state as aggression. But anger is not aggression. Expressed anger can emerge in loss of temper whereas aggression is a controlled and deliberate attempt to intimidate and does not involve a loss of control .
Most beliefs are manufactured by another weapon against the people, the media. They kindly remind us on a regular basis what ‘right thinking’ is. They deliver us ‘right thinking’ on tap from ready prepared clones they take out of the cupboard for the breakfast show, or evening news. The stock line is along the lines of:
‘all right thinking people believe blah blah ….’
Blah blah is whatever will help the elites retain wealth and power.
I’m curious to know what a genuine right thinking person look like? Certainly it can’t be me because every time the media tells me what a right thought is I am usually thinking the opposite. So I must be a ‘wrong thinking’ person . But who defines what a wrong thought is? Roll out the shrinks.
Right thoughts are cultivated so that they last generations. They often make little sense but are widely held. For example, one right thought we are required to have is that violence is a disgusting crime and a weakness and needs punishing and murder is the work of evil people who should be locked up for life. However violence and murder by state agents miraculously morphs into a force for good. Overnight it becomes heroic. Slap a uniform on, get paid to maim and kill and you’re everyone’s darling. This is nonsensical BS, yet almost everybody believes it because it has been pushed down their throats all their life by the control systems. The military merely help perpetuate the domination of the Sabbatean cult that runs the show assisting them in their fraud, theft and brutality, even though the guy next door to you who murdered his wife in a temper will likely have had far more mitigating circumstances leading to his ‘crime de passion’ than a tool in uniform playing hero while murdering Afghans for reasons he doesn't even understand.
Psychiatric labels are meaningless and have no basis in biology. They serve no useful purpose other than to give a false basis for prescribing drugs. And the drugs do a great deal of damage over time.. Antipsychotics eventually cause brain damage and mood stabilisers like Lithium cause kidney damage, as happened to my own father. Other drugs like clozaril muck around with your white blood cell count and can cause a life threatening condition.
I am not saying there are no drugs that are useful in the short term, I myself have been brought down from more than one frightening experience by thorazine (largactil) or acuphase injections. These dampen things right down. But then psychiatry leaves people on these drugs permanently consistently claiming that stopping taking them will lead to relapse. But that is like saying after you have got over flu that you should keep taking paracetamol every day to prevent flu. It’s unnecessary . Drugs have side effects. Defining mental health conditions as fixed things with labels allows this permanent drugging of problem people. Informed consent is rarely given properly and for those who are forcibly medicated or left on depot injections for years, or coerced to take drugs by a Community Treatment Order, other options are rarely explored or discussed.
But what then do we do about mental illness? Mental illness is a curse that destroys both the person and causes hell also for friends and family. How then can you help people if you don’t define, categorise and permanently zombify these wretched beings?
Long term suffering from a mental health condition or for that matter a physical health condition is a curse if you believe in mental illness. There are many though, who believe that there is no such thing as mental illness. I hold both those views at the same time. On the one hand there is no such thing as mental illness, on the other hand mental illness is a terrible curse. This requires cognitive dissonance.
Online in the modern era the cult have pushed the concept of awareness. We are all supposed to have endless awareness of mental illness. They claimed we needed to raise awareness. But awareness of difference has always been there. What is needed is acceptance of difference. Unfortunately there is little of that. There are just endless assumptions regarding the ‘other’. What he is thinking , what he believes, how his mind works.
But mankind does not know what mind is. We can surmise , but ultimately there is no way of proving exactly what a damaged mind is or even if a mind can be damaged. Psychosis in say the form of having a so called delusion and hearing voices or seeing images which confirm that so called delusion, might seem to most people to be mental illness. But who defines delusion? If you believe in the power of god or Jesus to heal is that a delusion? Why is religion not considered delusion? Simply because enough people believe. So If I start a new religion and pick a God, say Ann Widdecombe, and claim she is an angel sent to be the new Messiah, would that be considered a delusion. Probably. But if enough people started praying to Anne Widdecombe and exalting her upon high, kissing the feet of statues of her, would it then be a religion. In other words are religions delusions which become collective? Like cultural memes? The voice of God used to be commonplace and those hearing voices other than god were dealt with by priests. Demons were exorcised. But The Rockefeller Foundation muscled in on the priests and claimed that demons are not real they are just a form of mental illness which needs medication. However demons are very real and God is very real and all of this is only very real if you believe it. Belief is key. The reason Christians get so dogmatic about saying Jesus is saviour and they are right and everybody else is wrong or misled, is because they believe strongly in Jesus and therefore it works for them. Whatever your belief, if you believe it strongly enough it will be true for you.
If they tell you that something is there but you can’t see it or evidence of it, most people believe it (aka plandemic). No one saw evidence of a global pandemic but they believed it. All the authorities had to do was change the definition of what a pandemic is just before they announced the a pandemic. And job done. Then they could come up with a new mostly untested gene therapy, call it a vaccine , get half the globe to take it and experiment on them for nothing (whereas in the past for taking part in a medical experiment you would get paid). This was a deliberate scam and they pulled it off. although many people saw through it, they have still largely got away with it and nobody has been held accountable. There was mass hypnosis, many people turned on their own families, friends and neighbours, yet nobody was labelled as mentally ill for that because the corporate cult world elites orchestrated the whole thing.
In the past, if you turned on your friends , family and neighbours , believing that outwardly healthy people were infected and a danger to you, and if you had worn a mask all the time to protect yourself from apparent danger, you would likely have been labelled psychotic or deluded .You may even have been given a diagnosis of schizophrenia had you carried on the obsession for six months or more.
So mental illness is engineered and produced by the state and pushed by psychiatrists to facilitate the status quo. If they like something then it is fine, if they don’t then you are sick. The problem is the state is a bunch of useful idiots obeying the real dark forces behind the scenes. Being labelled as ‘well’ by dark forces is not a thing to be particularly proud of. Being labelled ‘ill’ by dark forces suggests you are aware of them.
This is not to say there is no suffering. There is endless suffering in the world. And some of it at least is necessary because joy would not exist without it. But allowing the state to define where suffering/loss of interest meets depression or where joy/enthusiasm crosses into mania is craziness in itself. To defer to a bunch of useful idiots puppet control freaks about what the mind is or can be is beyond ridiculous.
What we see as reality is an illusion anyway. What psychiatrists don’t understand is that if someone for example thinks their mother is poisoning them, putting something in their tea, when all the evidence suggest that is not happening, this may not be irrational. She might be poisoning them spiritually so that they cannot grow and the person may interpret this spiritual poison as actual poison being put in their cup of tea. The person cannot cope with the spiritual poisoning so they’re senses rearrange the phenomenon into an actual experience of seeing, believing or tasting poison in tea. . This does not require medication, it requires openly addressing and ultimately letting go of this toxic relationship. IT can only be addressed on a spiritual plane, the home of art, music and nature which is why art, music and natural therapies are so much better at treating and curing ‘mental illness’ which is really a spiritual issue (as our ancestors well knew).
Many years ago I believed my neighbour was a perv who had this laser which allowed him to see through my bedroom wall, and I could hear him talking through the wall commenting on my body. Now I know that this was because I was out of sync with that neighbour. His vibrations were anathema to mine and therefore appeared from my perspective somehow wrong. That got translated into the neighbour doing bad things. I was being bombarded with the frequencies of others which were out of phase with mine. What I needed was to fully vibrate on my own wavelength to enable me to not be bothered by incoming frequencies of others that could not align with mine. I have written about how I use music as medicine here Music As Medicine
When a psychiatrist leaps to the ‘delusion’ explanation, they are not aware of the deep intricacies of the mind and what has led that person to have that belief. Psychoanalysis or psychotherapy might be seen as one route but ultimately the person themselves needs to stay in the present to understand. In other words get in sync with the universe and away from the clashing frequencies. If a person is out of phase, it is possible they can get back in phase. Medication cannot put a person in phase. Not in the long term. It can block the distressing frequencies, or lessen them, making them less noticeable but it cannot show the person the way to the frequencies that that person needs to vibrate with. It cannot put that person back in phase.
Art, music and nature can.
Mental illness means you are out of phase. That is not ill, just being on a different wavelength. If the mind is a receiver then the pineal gland may be the tuner for that mind. It allows you to get back to true source.
Psychiatry cannot do that. They do nothing to get you to source. Psychiatric models do not allow for change over time, and change over time happens to everybody, no matter what the labelled mental health condition, or neurodiversity may be. Autism and mental health cross over and it is false to believe that there is this thing over there which is acceptable NEURODIVERSITY and this other thing over there which is MENTAL ILLNESS which is unacceptable. This just stems from the misogynistic model of psychiatry. Women will overwhelmingly be labelled with a mental illness or personality disorder and male children will be labelled with autism at an early age, be allowed to behave like that, girls will not and will be likely later diagnosed with mental illness or personality disorder. As in the past men labelled difficult women as witches, today that label has become ‘emotionally unstable personality disorder’. This helps them to keep demonising emotion so as not to upset the cultural apple cart. It also allows mental health staff to treat women worse than they do men and gives them an excuse to be abusive and to allow male staff to assault women, often re-traumatising women who are already traumatised. The medical model has also allowed for an unnecessary huge increase in diagnosing children with autism, giving the state more power to interfere with children and allowing shrinks an excuse to peddle to kids the same antipsychotics they push on adults (like rispiradone and aripripazole). But anti- psychotics are merely major tranquillisers to dumb people down and shut them up. When they label kids with ADHD they get them on amphetamines/stimulants like ritalin or adderall and then wreck their cortisol levels which will in many cases leave them in trouble with the law further down the line.
Psychiatry is not a science. Medicine is nowadays seen as a science but it was originally an Art. It really still is. Psychiatry is about as unscientific as you can get, it has no basis in biology, yet these people sell their snake oil as if it is specific to conditions, which conditions are merely subjective beliefs of state indoctrinated shrinks who get their beliefs (delusions) from an outdated and unscientific model. There are thankfully some doctors who speak out against psychiatry and the numbers of these are growing . They have pointed out the damage done by psychiatric medication long term. But the public still defer to psychiatrists as if they are the experts.
.The state mental health system does throw out a few decent staff every now and again. But history is full of nice people who have done terrible things. After the second world war research was done into what kind of people make good nazis. Unsurprisingly it tends to be the compliant ones , those who don’t question, those phlegmatic types who just obey and get on with the job. The state loves people like that as do corporate bosses but in times of genocide or other state abuses what is needed is people who can think for themselves and who dare question authority or the status quo. Those very people who in normal times are shunned by the majority.
Ultimately the idea that the state should be in charge of mental health is utterly ridiculous, for one they haven’t got a fucking clue, and for two, it is just crazy to give them that weapon over your mind. Nobody is the authority on the human mind. A psychiatrist may kid himself he is the expert on your mind but he is fucking not. Your closest friends or family or your pets will have far more insight into you and your mind than any state sponsored shrink.
For a refreshing take on the pseudoscience of psychiatry, please see here:
Interesting article, Cally.
All the institutions are both necessary and problematic, since they all tend to be weaponized by
certain types of people. I tend to believe that there are more mentally sick people than healthy ones.
80 % took the clotting injection. They still don't recognize the damages being done. The bad psychiatrists would call the anti-vaxxers "psychotic" for not recognizing the public danger of the
movement away from the injectable drugs, but the good psychiatrists would reverse it and label the drug pushers the psychotic ones. I'm afraid we are in quite the minority and that will become a real
problem as they ramp up for the next round against people who just want to live a natural life.
They probably have a label already made up for people who seek a natural life.
Oh, that's right, they do have one. "science deniers"!