Jan 7Liked by Cally Starforth

Interesting question, Cally!

Coincidentally, I attended Hamline University and was a Piper athlete in cross county and track

for a couple years,,, until the workouts were too much for me to handle along with the classroom workload.

I don't have any insights unfortunately into the Pied Piper to offer. Whatever the faculty knew about it

they kept to themselves. Certainly the ancient and medieval times were magical ages. I daresay we

can't begin to fathom much of what filled their consciousness. It must have been a powerful brew of

the rational and the irrational, of extreme challenge and sublime strengths, of the noblest and most ignoble of animations. How their dreams must have been interwoven into their conscious perception of reality! As we know our dreams harken all the way back through time immemorial and aren't bound by physical limits, likewise they can be portals to the future. Even more so children are within

the magical spheres as they gradually individuate and adapt to culture and the physical / temporal planes. I don't know if it is relevant, but it seems likely an adept, or magical being, could certainly have manifested in one form to the adults and in another form to the children and by music and by charm have led them away and into the hidden portal; seeing as dreams indicate no physical barrier

to the flow of consciousness and that childhood is already transcendent . We can levitate and fly, or pass through walls, in our dreams; just as Stephen King has represented in several fictional instances and as is known to Native shamans and to witches of European cultures. So, the Pied Piper story fits

rather perfectly within that puzzling and miraculous, certainly wondrous age.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7Author

Really interesting that you went to Uni there -wow - you write beautifully by the way, have you got your own blog? Yeh I agree re the magical spheres and you made me think about the dream side which I didn't go into, but pied piper could have been dream figure originally (like Peter Pan - another very interesting archetype). They both P P . Maybe some significance there. Here is 'Peh' Hebrew letter https://hebrewtoday.com/alphabet/the-letter-peh-%D7%A4/ if you look at the space inside the letter it looks like a finger beckoning, come this way (like the piper). Peh also = 80 =8 - the number of chaos. I just found this jungian analysis on the shadow stuff https://thisjungianlife.com/pied-piper/ (I don't necessarily go along with all Jungian stuff simply because he too was from a very powerful masonic line through his father, so he may have been out to mislead but the photo on there has the black and white chequerboard on his robe , indicating masonic imagery. Then he comes back dressed as hunter with a red cap. That ties in with the robin hood imagery I wrote about in my sycamore article so this would all make sense. I now wonder if the Pied Piper himself is also meant to be the freemason - offering 'conditional' help to people (philanthropy) , then taking all in return - just a thought. The internet throws us a whole new breed of piper -

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Jan 7Liked by Cally Starforth

Isn't it a funny coincidence that I was a Piper athlete at Hamline U. and just by the strangest of

circumstances came along to your blog? I think it was by way of someone who subscribes to Donald Jeffries and from her substack maybe mentioned you? idk. Anyway I'm glad to have made your acquaintance! And I absolutely love these hidden lines that draw people together, which is our real hope and maybe destiny. (In such a bizarre and threatening world as it is.)

I love your style and recognize your talents. I also did listen to your song and immediately liked it.

No, I don't have a blog, but I write daily under the pseudonym of Tamarack on the LOP forum and GLP,,, before I was banned from GLP. LOP = Lunatic Outpost. Yea, it's just another government spying operation to gather evidence against us and to supply memes for the AI algorithms, but I try

my best to give AI a natural and as decent an impression as a mere mortal can do.

Since you mentioned the sycamore, isn't it also funny that I'm a tamarack? I don't know if they have that tree in merry old England, but it is an odd tree. It is the only known hardwood pine that I can think of. My stepfather was from Sweden and he gave me a sample of it, since he thought it was very special and for some reason thought I'd appreciate it. Of course he was right. We had many many things in common among which was the love of trees. (Of course also the love of farms and gardens) So, just to say in a roundabout way your article about the

sycamore touched me. I lived in California for 5 years and adored the sycamores there. OMG such a beautiful tree. It must be some symbolic meaning there for that tree to have been cut down by Hadrian's wall. And that wall, my goodness what an amazing and stunningly beautiful thing that is. I really envy you and your proximity to living history. Also let's not forget the significance of the oaks. As a woodcutter myself I adore the oaks and their support of wildlife. (I only have ever cut the dead and or fallen oaks for firewood for our wood burning stove) Also I should mention our Mountain Ash tree. That was a tree that supposedly had magical implications. It adorned our front lawn till it was killed by ash borers, but an offshoot of it still remains.

As far as Jung is concerned, I did not know that his father had Freemasonic connections. That's very interesting! Jung has influenced me in many ways. Through my German wife I have connection to the Freemasons as her sister and brother in law are members. he tried to recruit me when they stayed with us in the states here, but I'm not that kind of person.

Well hey! Cheers and compliments to you!


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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Author

Yeh your connection with Hamlelin is odd, but no coincidence I don't believe in coincidences, maybe there is some universal thing going on like the phenomenon Einstein called 'spooky action at a distance' ..... you obviously have a great deal of knowledge of trees being a woodcutter and yes we both have a love of trees, I have a particular tree which was a close friend for years (an oak) and it gave me advice. I used to ask it for advice and it always gave me the best advice. I don't live near it anymore, but I do go back to visit it occasionally as I promised I would. Yes Oak trees are wisdom itself (as the Druids know). The Celtic word for oak is 'duir' , which is also where the name Druid derives (from 7th letter of Ogham alphabet - we come back to 7 again ...) . No we don't have Tamarack as far as I know in Britain, there is a European Larch but not the same as the American/Canandian larch or Tamarack. Where are you based now? Somewhere in USA? Sad about the Ash , we have Ash dieback here, its all over the place. I meant Jung's grandfather (also named Carl Gustav Jung) was a Grand Master freemason of the Swiss Lodge (so very powerful), not sure on his father but he came from a line of masons and given how influential Jung has been and given the obvious similarities between masonic rites and Jungian myth, it is very likely that his grandson (the famous Jung) was also a mason. In fact it seems no one really is allowed to be that influential without having strong masonic (or similar secret order) links since they control pretty much everything behind the scenes. Game is rigged as we all know! Yeh really glad you found my work and that we can communicate like this.

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Jan 10Liked by Cally Starforth

The mountain ash is also known as a Rowan.

I'm sure you are familiar with that species. I checked and the shoot is

doing well so far in the front yard. We live here in the upper Midwest in the

state of Minnesota.

That information about Jung is indeed interesting. Those masonic lines are generational I believe, so there's hidden and deceptive history there, I agree.

You are probably familiar with the heavy metal group Coven? The did a famous

version of One Tin Soldier for the Billy Jack movie. They were Satanists. The lead singer did an interview and claimed her family line extends back to the Mayflower and are all high level Masons. I never used to associate Satanism with Masonry, nor the Mayflower Puritans with it. It seems to be cropping up everywhere these days. Glad I got that Rowan tree coming up!

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Oh the wizard's tree yeh, didn't know it was also called mountain ash - the midwest seems so vast - reminds me how tiny and crowded britain is. I think some masons are poss satanists but masonry is based on sacred geometry and qabala etc however in the wrong hands this can be used for evil. I had low level masons in my family too , they were not satanists but there are some people who swear they are all satanists but I don't think so, however I don't like the covert way they control everything

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Jan 12Liked by Cally Starforth

Not sure if you are familiar with the NUFORC web site?

Lately I'm hooked on looking up the UFO sightings reported in our area.

Since it's sparsely populated the reports stand out and some are absolutely incredible.

People have reported some pretty odd stuff not just the typical stuff either.

You get the chills reading about what they experienced, like a farm girl doing chores at night

and sees a stick figure cryptid, scared her for life, or an Navy veteran of WWII sees something

that scares him senseless floating towards him and his grandson...

I know Great Britain has all kinds of different sightings.

My brother lives in Arizona and saw a triangular UFO at 2 o'clock out in the desert.

I sent him a link to the NUFORC site and now he's hooked too.

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