Dec 30, 2023Liked by Cally Starforth

OK, my bad!

I see that you did mention Judas several times upon rereading your article!

I'm a little slow sometimes.

It probably lodged in my unconscious and percolated up this morning.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Cally Starforth

Superb job, Cally!

I was thinking too that he is describing The Fool, and then you mentioned it but added so much more

that you have blown my mind!

You have a very nice singing voice too btw.

Somehow when you were a teen you latched onto that song and figured it out after all this time.

How many people listened to that song and didn't know a thing about what it meant?

So much of pop-culture is deeper than people realize.

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Cheers Scott. Just my take on it, there are others who think it is about Freddy's coming out as gay, but I think it is much more than that, due to his Zoroastrian faith and knowledge of astrology. Since writing that article I have also noticed that the word 'mouche' (the second part of 'scaramouche' means a fly in French (from Latin 'musca'). THen the word 'scara' means a group of soldiers - link with escariti . HOwever it could also be 'scare'. So 'scary fly? or 'regiment of flies' . Can't help thinking of film 'Lord of the Flies' . So references to that would be references to 'civilisation v savagery' - Given that he goes on to mention Beezlebub, who was the actual Lord of the Flies ...... food for thought perhaps? ...... re. music I have some stuff on you tube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVeK6uX-cc0

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Cally Starforth

Greetings, Cally!

I've been thinking about the song quite a bit.

(dangerous, I know...)

I watched a couple of those videos trying to assert that idea of Freddie pronouncing his coming out in Bohemian Rhapsody, and find it utter and complete bull*shit.

In fact I think Freddie is singing about Judas Iscariot, one of the most tragic figures in history.

There is a lot of nonsense about this being Freddie's coming out song, but that is bull*shit.

That would be pure narcissism to subject the world to a coming out pronouncement.

Judas, on the other hand, is a topic worthy of one of the world's greatest songs.

..."stone me and spit in my eye."

..."love me and leave me to die."

Stoning = accusing

spit in the eye = healing

The band seemed to be very tight-lipped about the song's meaning.

That could have been for good reason. It's always better to let poetry live on its own merits

and leave us to our devices to make of it what we can. -And to avoid some backlash in this case. There was plenty of that with Jesus Christ Superstar.

So that would be my interpretation. I think it fits. -The Scaramouche could even be the Sicarri; with their knives. Galileo is the revolutionary. (like Jesus)

Judas deeply loved Jesus, but he was naive. (like the Fool)

Gnostics might say that he was used as a tool in the divine drama, (I killed a man) , then the

rest of the song is his torturous journey (dark night of the soul) seeking redemption and not

finding it, hence nothing really matters, Beelzebub has a devil for him. Judas loved Jesus but

couldn't forgive himself for what happened, despite the role of fate, and hanged himself.

What do you think?

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Yes I could definitely see Judas refs in there and you mention sicarii or escarii - I think that might also be the name 'iscariot'. Its no normal surname. And yeh no way is it just about him coming out its way more complex and interesting

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Cally, I love the detail you go into, the links you make, the research you do; but, in the end, where does it lead? You might like to have a good read of my website, christianrethink.co.uk. It deals with the implications of proper science and history, and other stuff which is grounded in the observable and provable. And it does lead to a firm and significant conclusion. However, I do appreciate that for some people the journey is more interesting than reaching an end point!

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023Author

Nice one Keith. I'll have a look a your website. This is not meant to 'lead' anywhere. On earth we are obsessed with destinations but there is only the journey from my point of view , there is no one truth but many . For you there may be concretes and that is fine. Difference is what makes us

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